Novels for beginners seem like a weird term. But if you haven’t read anything and want to make it a habit, you need something interesting to start. Something good that will keep you engaged and entertained.

With the summer going strong it has most of us trapped inside a room. So why not try something old school for this summer and read. Most of you have already declared your love for movies by this time and are will happily say that you would rather watch a movie than. But believe me when I say this a book is always better than the movie. And if you don’t want to, believe me, I would like you to give one of these novels a shot based on your interest.

Best Novels for Beginners

1.Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis


C.S. Lewis’s stories appeal generally to children. But, if you ask me it is for anyone who has a good imagination and enjoys fiction. His stories are fast-paced and descriptive in nature. They paint vibrant images of the scenes with the simplest of words. These stories take you to a different world but leave you with lessons which can be applied in this world.

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 2. Harry Potter by JK Rowling


This is a series which appeals to people of every age. With evergreen themes of friendship, determination, and courage, it is the best book for starters. These books have been made into motion pictures will help the reader easily relate to the descriptions.

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3. Enid Blyton

He is one of the best authors to read if you are a beginner. My first ever novel which I read voluntarily was by him, and it was a treat. He writes in very simple English using enough new words to interest the readers but not so many that it confuses them.

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4. Malgudi Adventures


A pioneer of English writing in India most of his novels are based in the fictional town of Malgudi. They have been adapted into a TV series by the name Malgudi days. The language is crisp and clear and very easy to understand. The characters are such that one cannot help but relate to them.

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5. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini


This one is a tragedy which will move you to tears. If you enjoy this genre in movies or songs then you will definitely love this book. It tells you the story of a girl who was tagged as a bastard from birth. She was married off to a man much older than him. There is much more to this book which I leave the reader to discover themselves.

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6. I too had a Love Story by Ravinder Singh


As the name suggests it is a love story. Adding to the long list of books in this genre what is different about this one is that it is autobiographical. The novelty of this book lies in the simple style in which it tells the story. The story in itself is simple but very powerful and will remain with you for a long time. Other books by this author are also quite famous.

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7. Oliver Twist  by Charle Dickens


This one is a classic recommended in every school’s summer reading list. Having read this in my earlier reading days, I can vouch for this one myself. Written from a child’s perspective, it will take you back to your childhood days.   

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8. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank


This is the perfect choice if you enjoy period dramas and have an interest in learning about history. It tells you about a girl who is living in the time of World War II. Since she belongs to a jew family she has to live in hiding. The text is autobiographical in nature, much acclaimed and definitely worth giving a read.

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9. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


If you are a dreamer who is looking for the right motivation if you are searching for the right inspiration. Whether you are a child, a youngster, a middle-aged person or anyone you must try this book. The language is simple and easy to follow. With a little bit of faith in the seemingly bizarre ideas, the author introduces you will really enjoy this summer.

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10. The Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi


If you are interested in Hindu folklore and stories in Hindu mythology, then this book is a good starting point to build your interest. In comparison to the old texts, this book is easier to read and helps you take a step further in being able to read them.

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11. The Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri


This is among the top novels for beginners. If you do not want to commit yourself to read a whole book in the first go then try this collection of short stories. The author is an American author of Indian origin, this is reflected in her stories. The language which she uses is very simple and easy to understand. The characters seem and down to earth with errors and mistakes just as people make in real life.

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12. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie


If you enjoy crime fiction and murder then there is no better author to start with. Agatha Christie is well known for her contributions to this genre. She uses clean and simple prose with least amount of jargon. All you really need is a will to read.

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So these were the top and best novels for beginners. These novels are a good starting point for including and make reading a regular habit. Many big personalities and entrepreneurs encourage people to read more and it is a good habit. Do leave a comment below if you enjoyed a particular one of these books.


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