More people are aiming to get more shut-eye. But if your bedroom environment is not soothing, it is a challenge to fall asleep with ease of getting quality rest. The bedtime rituals you have should help prepare you to sleep, and your bedroom should be more muted from the whirs of daily life. Make your bedroom space for relaxation, rest and positivity by refreshing it to a place you want to retreat every night. Making a few smart choices will have a positive impact on sleep. Go all-in with a new mattress to getting rid of electronics in your bedroom. Below are ways to make your bedroom a conducive place to get more shut-eye.

Invest in a quality mattress 

If you have had your mattress for more than seven years, it is time to invest in a new one. Also, if you are not sure whether it is old enough to replace it, listen to your body, and you will know if it is time to change. General uncomfortable feelings while in bed or you have backaches. Or you wake up less rested, or you sleep better when you are traveling. All these are telltale signs that you need to invest in a quality birch mattress to improve the quality of sleep you get. Remember, you spend every night on your bed. So, consider choosing the right mattress for you more seriously. Consider the size best for you, your sleeping styles, and anything else you want to address about your sleep as you choose your mattress.


Consider arrangement and sizes

The bed should always be the focal point and then find balance around it. Harmony and symmetry are vital where you sleep. The height of your bed frame should be proportional to your height, not too high or too low to feel grounded when laying down. Also, consider if it is appropriate for the size of the room. A taller frame is best for high ceilings, and a lower profile is best for smaller spaces. But, as you think of bed height, comfort should be a priority. For the rest of the space, organize things and use nightstands on both sides where possible. If space allows, incorporate a seating area and add a bench at the end of the bed.

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Bring in calming scents 

Lavender, chamomile, cedar, and many others you may opt to use, whether it is from an incense holder, candle, or a diffuser. Scents are best to bring into the bedroom for their anxiety and stress-relieving properties. Nowadays, home fragrances packaging is in beautiful pieces to add to your space. Lighting an aromatic candle in the bedroom is very relaxing. You can switch up the scents according to the season, for example, a citrusy scent for summer and a richer one for winter. If you love using diffusers, choose something lighter for scents from them, tend to linger longer, and on occasion, you can arrange fragrant flowers.

Declutter the space 

The quality of sleep you get goes hand in hand with organization and clutter. Having no anxiety and stress makes a bedroom peaceful. Install bins and baskets with labels strategically to avoid littering the ground. Also, finding a way to organize your electronics and some distance from them is ideal to avoid using them during sleeping time. Notably, a done-up bed is a way to declutter your room and is more enticing to crawl in when you are ready to sleep.


Pay attention to linens 

For good sleep and the design of the room to pop, the beddings you choose are crucial. Therefore, research what is comfortable for your sleep style. Choose bedding that is within the ideal sleep temperature. For instance, you can opt for linen and percale for your cooling sheets and flannel for something warmer when you feel cold. Also, do not neglect your bed area, for you want your cozy feet to meet a soft landing pad, not a cold floor straightaway. If you want a bed that feels crisp and clean, opt for light-colored sheets and duvet covers. Still, you can make it more interesting by adding styles and colors if you prefer something with character.

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