Cersei Lannister was one of the most complete and powerful characters in our favourite TV show Game of Thrones. Cersei Lannister Quotes are another reason that she was very intimidating. Game of Thrones has its fair share of bad guys which we loved to despise but very few characters were there who sometimes gained our sympathy. I especially liked the moment when she was talking to Tyrion Lannister about family and her children.

Cersei Lannister was one of them. She was married to Robert Baratheon who never paid attention to her and instead drown in booze and spend time with other women. She also had a very good mind for tactics though she made mistake by her judgment but she always came on top.

She was a very good manipulator and was able to turn everyone against the noble Ned Stark. She has done some bad things from getting Ned Stark killed to getting half the Tyrell family locked. Cersei also killed many innocent people when she got rid of High Sparrow.

Cersei Lannister was also very ruthless and almost defeated Daenerys and managed to get rid of one of her dragons. Throughout the seasons she delivered some of the most iconic quotes that shows how powerful, calculated and ruthless she was.

We have compiled a list of all the awesome and powerful Cersei Lannister Quotes from Game of Thrones.



A good king knows when to save his strength and when to destroy his enemies.


Everyone who isn’t us is an enemy.

Badass Cersei Quotes Season 1


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I shall wear this as a badge of honor.

Badass Cersei Slapped Quotes



When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Badass Cersei Quotes game of thrones



You want to be Hand of the King? You want to rule? This is what ruling is; lying on a bed of weeds, ripping them out by the root, one by one, before they strangle you in your sleep!

Badass Cersei Quotes




Tears aren’t a woman’s only weapon. The best one’s between your legs.



The only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy.

Badass Cersei Quotes



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An unhappy wife is a wine merchant’s best friend.

Badass Cersei Quotes Season 1



You’re a clever man. But you’re not half as clever as you think you are.

Badass Cersei Quotes Season 3 quotes



Nobody cares what your father once told you.

Badass Cersei Quotes Season 4



Everywhere in the world, they hurt little girls.

Badass Cersei Quotes hurt little girls



Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake with stupidity.

Badass Cersei Quotes father



Look at me! Look at my face! It’s the last thing you’ll see before you die.

Badass Cersei Quotes


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I choose violence.

Badass Cersei Quotes



Power is power

Badass Cersei Quotes power is power


The gods have no mercy, that’s why they’re gods

Badass Cersei Quotes



Do you know why Varys is so dangerous…because he doesn’t have a c**k.

Badass Cersei Quotes




You think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe? Ned Stark had a piece of paper, too

Badass Cersei Quotes 18


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What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

Badass Cersei Quotes



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I thought if I could make something so good, so pure, maybe I’m not a monster.

Badass Cersei Lannister Quotes



So we fight and die or we submit and die – I know my choice

Badass Cersei Quotes


No one walks away from me

Badass Cersei Quotes


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