Achievements of India in the last 72 years

As the clock strikes 12 today, India will wake up to its 73rd Independence day. India has been invaded by foreign lands twice and ripped off its wealth and glory numerous times; yet is stands still as a rock in the face of all the other countries. India has come a long way of losing and achieving various things and growing as a nation.

India still stands strong after all the negative news and political drama and retains so much more potential than we think. This new year brings a new zeal of hope and motivation for the country. Let us remember all the wonderful achievements that India has achieved in the past 72 years and feel pride in calling ourselves “Indians”.

Be it physics, maths, medicine, chemistry, literature, music, film, sports or space, India has created new records. It does not lag behind in any field. Let us have a look at all the proud moments that this country has given us and cherish them with love and respect.

India Successfully Launches First Mission To Mars

Indian mars mission

ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Information is planned for launch to Mars in the 2022-2023 time frame. It will be India’s second interplanetary mission after the first Mangalyaan 1 in 2013. ISRO has become the first space agency to successfully launch an interplanetary mission in its very first attempt before a few days.

Polio Eradication

End of PolioSource – Pioneer

The World Health Organisation has announced India to be a Polio free region in 2014. The last polio case was reported in 2011 after which there have been no cases of polio in India. Such a large and diverse country as India, defeating polio is not a small thing but an achievement in itself. It is a victory that we all should be proud of

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Development of an atomic clock

Atomic Clock Source – Patreeka

ISRO has developed an atomic clock that will be used in navigation satellites to measure precise location data. The space agency currently imports atomic clocks from European aerospace manufacturer Astrium.



India has grown and developed in the area of agriculture. India is the largest producer of milk with 18% of the world production of milk. It is the largest producer of cotton and the second-largest producer of rice. Apart from that, it is a significant producer of a variety of spices, crops, poultry and fishery products. Although cows are considered holy and beef is banned in many parts of this country, India is the highest exporter of beef in the world.


Launch of Chandrayaan

Chandrayaan 2Source – Jagran

India successfully launched Chandrayaan in 2008 in order to explore the lengths of the moon. The craft was inserted into lunar orbit in its first attempt. One of the greatest achievements of Chadrayaan was the discovery of the water molecules in the lunar soil.


Independent Foreign Policy

Indians have been able to pursue an independent foreign policy after independence and interference by outside powers have been zero, thanks to strides made by India in various fields like agriculture production, economic progress, space programmes, nuclear energy and defence.



Development of Technical Education


Since independence, India has been developing its technical education sector steadfastly. This resulted in our green revolution which increased our food grain production more than four times, our independent space programmes, eradication of epidemics and our envious IT sector. We are virtually the largest exporters of engineers today. Taking into account the large size of India, its demography and poverty and plunder left behind by colonial powers at the time of independence, Indians have been achieving amazingly good results.

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Deepening Democracy

When India stepped forward for democracy giving the right to vote to all Indians, the west was sceptical about it and “Illiterates running Parliament” was a major joke of the time. But, the same illiterate voter has shocked the world showing their natural tendency for democracy. The number of voters has increased gradually and steadily. Women have also taken a step upwards and into politics. It is a great achievement for a country like India with social evils.


 The Two Phases of Economy

When India achieved its independence, it was a shattered economy filled with illiterates and poor peasants. The history of India can be divided into two phases – first 45 years after independence and the years three decades after. The later years saw economic liberation and the nation got stable in regard to economic development through meaningful policies.

The LPG policy made the most difference in the uprising of the Indian economy. A flexible industrial licensing policy and a relaxed FDI policy started getting positive responses from international investors. Among the major factors that drove India’s economic growth following the economic reforms of 1991 were increased FDI, adoption of information technology and increased domestic consumption.


Service Sector Growth

A major development in the nation’s services sector has been visible in the telecom and information technology sectors. A trend that started some two decades back is now well in its prime. Several multinational firms continue to outsource their teleservices and IT services to India, resulting in the growth of ITES, BPO and KPO companies. The acquisition of expertise in information technology has led to the generation of thousands of new jobs, which in turn increased domestic consumption and naturally, more foreign direct investments happened to meet the demands.

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Presently, the services sector employs 31% of the Indian workforce and this process of development started back in the 1980s. In the 60s, the sector employed only 4.5% of the working population. According to the Central Statistical Organization, the services sector accounted for around 54% of Indian GDP in 2018 and the figure continues to grow.



India has seen so many ups and downs in this marvellous journey of 72 years after gaining freedom. It is the fastest developing economy in the world and given a chance, it can become the most powerful of countries. All we Indians should be proud of the country that we live in and worship all that this country has given us on this auspicious occasion of the 73rd Independence Day.


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