If you are like me then you also like reading fun facts just like me then this post is just for you. We have made a list of such interesting facts to entertain you and increase your knowledge.
These fun facts are weird and different and we bet you have not heard of these ever. So what are you waiting for go ahead and enjoy.
44 Crazy and Mind-Boggling “Not so Fun Facts”
You can get STD in your eyes.
If attacked by Bear it won’t necessarily kill you. It will just start eating you.
Dogs love squeaky toys because the sound reminds them of smaller prey animals
A full-grown person can fit inside a whale’s penis.
80% of Russian males born in 1923 did not make it past world war 2
Penguins rape other penguins
Ducks are very sexually violent and they rape other ducks. So the female duck has a fake reproductive part, so they can avoid unwanted pregnancy.
If you are living in the USA you have a higher chance of dating a celebrity then dying from bird flu.
Half of the cell in your body are bacteria.
One testi**e hangs lower than the other to prevent them from smacking each other all the time.

Cyanide smells like almonds.
40,000 types of bacteria are exchanged in one kiss.
During a sneeze, all of your bodily functions momentarily stop, including your heart.
Lobsters don’t die or age
There is one person who is 7x more likely to kill you compared to everyone else. Yourself.
More US soldiers die by suicide than in combat.
40% of food produced in the world goes to waste.
Wombats poop is in cubic shape
Guinea pigs, hamsters can eat their young ones if stressed.
Caesar salad is Mexican not Italian.
There is an organization that will kidnap your children and physically and mentally torture them for being gay.
More people have access to a cell phone than a toilet.
Toddlers kill more people with guns in America than Terrorists kill people in America.
You can die of Alzheimer’s, Our mind can forget how to breathe, eat or swallow.
More than 90% of Koalas in Australia are suffering from chlamydia. There isn’t any vaccine to fight this and the species could go extinct.
Curiosity Rover sings happy birthday to himself. Probably the loneliest birthday in the galaxy.
52 blue is the loneliest whale on the planet, it sings in a different frequency which makes it impossible to communicate with other whales.
There is a brain-eating amoeba, It can kill you in a couple of days and there is nothing you can do about it.
12% of the world population doesn’t have access to clean drinking water.
Jeanna Giese is the only person to have survived rabies without a vaccine.
Texas has more tigers in captivity than there are in the whole world.
Inside of your body is completely dark
French fries are not French, they are Belgian.
Most Americans believe in invisible beings and talking snakes.
Chances of getting depressed are higher in the people who have suffered earlier.
Bees are dying at an alarming rate.
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If you do not struggle or fight a big snake can swallow you alive
Many scientists and entrepreneurs like Stephen Hawkings and Elon Musk believe that AI would be the end of the Human race.
Male bed bugs will penetrate the female bugs stomach with their pe**s to impregnate them.
When an elephant dies, the pack makes a funeral for it. They would put rock around the body and stand there.
Horses can’t throw up and if they did they are good as dead.
Giraffes are endangered
Shark babies can kill their siblings in the womb.
So these were some amazing and different fun facts. Some of these are not fun and bit weird. Do let us know if you liked these in the comment section below.