The finale is near and we can’t wait to see who sits on the Iron throne after defeating the Night King. But first, brush up some facts and refresh your memory so that you are all prepped up to see the finale. Take the Season 4 Quiz here


Game of Thrones Season 4 Quiz

Who advices Daenerys to answer "Justice with Mercy" ?
What was the name of the sister of Oberyn Martell who was killed by "The Mountain" ?
Who kills Locke in the Craster's Keep?
The poison used to kill Joffrey was in which form with Sansa?
Who was shipped from The King's Landing to Night's Watch?
Which one of these is not gifted to Brienne by Jamie while leaving King's Landing?
Which one of the following survives the Wildling attack ?
What did Tyrion give Joffrey as a wedding present?
Where is the Iron Bank located?
Who dies while entering the "Tree" where the Three-eyed raven sits ?
Where do Tyrion and Varys make their first stop after escaping King's Landing ?
Game of Thrones Season 4 Quiz
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  1. H Bhawna,

    Game of Thrones is a fascinating movie. I used to watch these movies but recently work does not allow me time to watch them, instead, I bury myself to my work. I’m working on adjusting my time for more movie watching.

    • Hi Moss,

      This show is full of strong characters and has a good storyline with many surprising elements. You can consider watching it in your free time. I know work takes a toll but it is ok to spare some time for entertainment. I wish you luck getting that balance.
      Thank you 🙂


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