This happened all of a sudden when I was presenting my work on Google meet and an error page appeared.
At first, I thought that I have some internet issues but this confusion went away in a second when other sites were working properly working. My slack and WhatsApp started buzzing with messages like Google is down. Within a short span of time, everybody was going crazy and people started making memes and started tweeting funny things like-
“You can’t Google to see if Google is down “
Gmail, Youtube, Docs, all services went down simultaneously. This was being tackled and users were informed that things will be back to normal quickly and it did happen but gave people enough time to experiment with humor.
We have made a list of tweets with #Googledown #YouTubeDown and other services that went down today.
Google Services Went Down ( Best Tweets )
The world after two minutes without YouTube. #YouTubeDOWN
— imronieteot27 (@imronieteot27) December 14, 2020
Everyone after even Google and YouTube stopped working#YouTubeDOWN
— Nayantara Ghosh (@AuthorNayantara) December 14, 2020
when u realize it’s not ur shitty wifi’s fault #YouTubeDOWN
— gugge
(@2gugge) December 14, 2020
Searching in google for why google is
Google:#GoogleDown #YouTubeDOWN #Google— Akif Arham (@AkifArham) December 14, 2020
When already there is #Google #gmail & #YouTubeDOWN
& someone says #TwitterDown
— ?????? ? (@rits_upadhyay) December 14, 2020
Youtube, google, gmail, down.
Half of the world be like:#YouTubeDOWN— Hamza Rizvi (@HamzaRi19215261) December 14, 2020
All the Google services including YouTube and Gmail stooped all over the world
Meanwhile hotmail and Yahoo~— Vaseem Khan (@vaseemkhan019) December 14, 2020
Youtubers getting frustrated because YouTube is down #YouTubeDOWN
Le Twitter user –
— A l b e l a (@Albelalonda) December 14, 2020
*Everyone Crying About Google Down*
Me (Who uses yahoo):#googledown #YouTubeDOWN
— VïŠHÛ ? (@_desperate_af_) December 14, 2020
DuckDuckGo , Yahoo and Bing
right now— Kirit Mohanty (@kirit_mohanty) December 14, 2020
I hope whoever decided to run this promotion while #googledown gets a promotion. @DuckDuckGo, I see you.
— ThingsTV (@WatchThingsTV) December 14, 2020
Every Bing, Hotmail and Firefox user right now… #googledown
— SideQuest (@SideQuestYT) December 14, 2020
When you use @DuckDuckGo and you didn’t notice #googledown
— Davide Peressoni (@dpdmancul) December 14, 2020
Me and my hotmail address right now… #googledown
— Stevie Cahill ? (@StevieCahill) December 14, 2020
What’s happening 2020?
The day came when you can’t even @Google what happened with @Google !
It’s #2020 and nothing is normal this year.#googledown— Crisbin Joseph Mathew (@CrisbinJoseph) December 14, 2020
Microsoft employees after seeing Google went down #googledown
— drakao (@drakao1) December 14, 2020
When you can’t even google what happened with google. #googledown
— Ashiq Miandad (@iamashiqmiandad) December 14, 2020
Picture of the
day! #googledown
— Haraprasad Behera (@Haraprasad_) December 14, 2020
Mercenary Start Up ideas : Step 1#googledown #Google #googleoutage #googleisdown
— How To Fail and Why (@HowToFailandWhy) December 14, 2020
I could see some of the bloggers started promoting their own platforms broadcasting this news about Google servers down – moment marketing! That’s pathetic!