You have become a phenomenon when it comes to thriller romance series. It follows the life of Joe Goldberg, who lives in New York and works in a book store. He falls in love with a girl named Guinevere Beck.

Joe would do anything to win her and sabotage her previous relationships. He stalks her, breaks into her apartment, and spies on her. Joe made her fall in love but things didn’t remain the same as the truth unravel.

Besides a great story, this show has amazing actors with a really compelling plot. In this article, we are listing all the best quotes from the YOU series.

Best Quotes from YOU Netflix Series


I’m definitely walking the line between desperate and shameless


Everything hurts, and nothing is the same without, Love.


Being attracted to really smart when is a double-edged sword.


The robots are not our friends


I am not a ‘maybe’. I am the one.


Don Quixote becomes a knight because he believes in chivalry and treating women with respect


When you know, you know


How does someone get rid of a body? The things someone does for love


Jealousy brought out the best in me



I am not an option, I am the chosen one


You are too tanned to be Stephen King’s reader


Unremarkable people don’t worry about being unremarkable


Social networks make you vulnerable and offer nothing in return


The most important things are those that are fragile and must be protected.


I have read people wrong in the past


It was hard to find a line between boss and boyfriend between supportive and enabling.


If I wasn’t so blinded by love I would have seen the secret right in front of me waiting to be uncovered


The universe has a funny way of keeping us humble. That beating was karmic. I know it. I did a bad thing today but for a good reason, and if there si any justice in the world, you are the reward for all my suffering.


You wear the wide blouse, you do not want to be eaten with your eyes. But your bracelets tinkle, you want to get attention.


If those are your friends, you are really very lonely.


I will help you get the life you deserve


It seems you are ashamed of being a good girl

One day, you won’t talk through the world as though it was your job to hold everything up.


I am a mess and you deserve better


How sad it is to read something because it is from someone famous and not to be moved or changed


That’s sad. People buying books because of what’s popular, and not because they wanna be moved or changed in some way.


Love isn’t a strong enough word. Sometimes it scares me to love someone so completely and not have them love you back.


Puke does bond you


See also  Awesome Quotes From Harry Potter Movie

So here’s you have it guys.


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