With its big star cast like Amir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Sheikh the movie raised out expectations to a next level. But it didn’t do that well at the box office and has garnered many negative reviews. The social media is filled with multiple memes based on the movie. I have a better idea, read these memes instead of flushing your money on its ticket.

*She comes home*
Maa: Kahan gai thi ?
She: Wo naya picture laga hai na #ThugsOfHindosthan dekhne gaye the…

*Within a fraction of second…* pic.twitter.com/DexARgY6SD

— Madhav Sharma (@April_clown_MS7) November 8, 2018






















See also  Mesmerizing Poetry By Zakir Khan



























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