Types of people at Gym

The long sitting hours and social media have reduced our physical activities to zero. Technology has provided us with almost every comfort we could think of. Carpool, elevators, lifts have taken over our walking time. To stay fit people are joining gyms. The percentage is increasing day by day.
Devoting our time from our routine especially for physical fitness is a priority now.
While some of us are very much dedicated and consistent there are some who we hardly see.
In this post, we have made a list of the categories of people that we see in the gym.
To find out which one are you-

1. The Heavy Lifter-




These can be clearly spotted as they make sure all eyes are on them. They lift and they grunt. Yes, it takes a hell lot of effort and dedication. Not everyone’s cup of tea.

2. The Cycling Champion




Among the most common types of people at a gym. They don’t budge till they are asked to. Once they start warming up and paddle it’s like they get glued to that thing. They warm up, workout on this one machine. Talented though!


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3. The Helping Hand Provider




These can be seen teaching and preaching to fellow members. They like to help and don’t ask if you want it or not. I wonder how come they are not gym trainers.

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4. The Selfie Queen




The main purpose here is not working out. The main purpose is to let people think you are working out.
They start taking selfies the moment they enter and this continues with mirror selfies in the washroom as well as while picking up a dumbbell.


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5. The Askhole




Asks multiple questions from the trainer and tries to go into details. Muscle name etc
This exercise will affect which body part.


7. The Regular One




No matter if they are not feeling well they will be there doing push-ups. These never take a day off and are regular. This line “types of people you at gym” fits me perfectly. I never miss a day (Most of the time) .


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8. Workout Partner




This is a couple which keeps motivating each other to complete one more set. These can be easily found cheering each other up and mostly do partner exercises.


9. Invisible One




Taking the yearly package because it’s economical only to disappear after 15 days. I had a friend who did the same.
They will build air castles and promise to come daily and ask you to wake them up every morning. When you call them they are easily unavailable

10. Talkative One



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They don’t workout properly and find someone to talk to. These stand in a corner with someone and gossip endlessly about how they feel guilty after overloading themselves with food in the party and blah blah.


11. The Flirting Guy




The eyeball every girl and find a way to talk to them. They flirt continuously by complementing on their looks or how they are impressed by their dedication. Most of the times it doesn’t work people.


12. The Accessories Girl




Her makeup her earrings and everything else is on point. She doesn’t forget to look like she is ready for a photoshoot. You are amazed by how she is able to put so much effort while you just struggle to get out of the bed and hit the gym.

So these were some types which I have encountered. Tell me which category do you fit into. Let us know in the comment section below, till then keep working out.


  1. Hey Bhawana,

    Someone chatting in the corner is ok. Chatting while using machines, as if no one is waiting to use the machine, is the worst. Funny post, thanks.


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