It has been more than 50 days since we all went into quarantine. We all are striving to get necessary supplies, stay indoors, and most importantly, stay balanced. Quarantine might be driving us crazy but it is in some way helping the mother nature to heal. Haven’t you noticed it yet?

Well, if you haven’t witnessed how miraculously nature has been healing while all of us are locked at our house for good, here are some instances that will show you:

  • Air Pollution Has Gone Down

Lately, it was in the news that the air quality has improved so much that the Dhauladhar range is now visible from terrace tops in Jalandhar. The air pollution level in Delhi has dropped down by 49%.

  • Rivers Are Getting Cleaner

In India, the lockdown has done wonders for the rivers from Ganga to Cauvery. Our main rivers have recorded exciting changes in water quality, growing ‘fit for drinking’ for the first time in decades. No drilling, no construction, no economic activity indicates no industrial discharge in the rivers.

  • Wildlife Is Flourishing

If lockdown has brought peace to anyone, it is the wildlife species. They’re finally coming out and acquiring the space that once belonged to them. Earlier this month, up to 70,000 olive ridley sea turtles have been observed nesting on Odisha’s beach that was left abandoned by lockdown orders. Many peacocks were spotted prancing freely in Mumbai. Mumbai also witnessed dolphins in the waters of Marine Drive and Malabar Hill.

  • Noise Pollution Has Gone Down

For more than a month, there has been no honking, no whirr of vehicular engines, no reverberation of loudspeakers, and no clanking of machinery in factories. Ever since the lockdown was clamped, we have been waking up to the chirping of birds. Thanks to shutting factories, empty roads, and a cut of commercial events, noise pollution has drastically fallen.

  • Oceans Have Started Breathing

Around the world, events are being canceled and travel plans were withdrawn. An increasing number of colleges, schools, and workplaces have closed, and workers are working from home if they can. This is providing the world’s oceans much-required breathing space.

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  • Sighting More Birds in The Sky

Many environmentalists have been claiming that it is a lockdown for humans but freedom for birds. Birds communicate more when there is less noise. There is no substantial research on this subject. But, ever since the lockdown was initiated, you would hear more singing, chirping, and chattering of birds. It can be because there is less noise in the environment.

  • More Stars Twinkling in The Sky

If you put up in Delhi-NCR, it would have been ages that you have sighted stars in the sky. Now if you head to your rooftop or to your balcony, you’ll see a clear sky with many more stars shining brighter.

  • Weather Has Been Normalized

As far as I remember, until last year, the beginning of May meant scorching heat and no one would survive in just ceiling fans no matter if it is day or night. As the lockdown has reduced air pollution, it has reduced the greenhouse effect on the climate. Hence, the heat, that used to get trapped in the atmosphere, is somewhat escaping making the planet less warm than the yesteryears.

The quarantine is proving to be beneficial to both humans and mother nature. We too should realize the level at which humans harm nature. We should ponder upon this and think about ways in which we can take care of this at a personal level when the pandemic gets over.


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