oWe all have a bitter-sweet relationship with our siblings. We fight with them all the time and won’t let them borrow anything from us but if required will suffer any pain for them. This relationship needs something more with each passing day. Let us say you give your sibling something more this raksha bandhan and make this day memorable with them. Try pulling some pranks on them this raksha bandhan. You guys will have a lot of fun. They will curse you and call you name but at the end of the day you will laugh about it.

We have made a list of all the harmless pranks you could pull off on your sibling and have your fun.

  1. Water bucket prank

water bucket on door prank

This is old but gold.
Once you are done pampering each other with gifts try something devious. Put a mug of water by balancing it on the door along the wall in such a way that when someone opens the door the water comes pouring down upon them.
Now that all is set, call out your sibling asking for help. They will enter the room and splash.
You are going to love it.


2. Jumpscares prank

jump scare prank

Really kiddish but very effective.
Hide behind a wall and wait for your sibling to pass. Just when they are almost near you jump in front of them and make a loud sound. For instance, they will be shocked.
Do a series of this for the entire day, it will not get old


3. Tell them you can’t make it and surprise them

surprise prank

If you live in another city then this one is the right one for you.
Tell your sibling that you won’t be able to come due to office work or some XYZ reason. Surprise them by visiting. The expressions would be priceless and once they are done hugging you they will definitely curse you for pulling something like this off.

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4. Whipped cream on their face prank

Whipped cream on their face

While they are sleeping put some whipped cream on their palm. Now take a paper or feather and start irritating them by touching it on their face. They will use their palm to get rid of the irritation splashing all of the whipped cream on their face. Probably one of the simplest yet annoying pranks to pull on your siblings.

This is one of my favourite pranks to pull on your sibling.


5. Stuff their shoes with cotton

Stuff their shoes with cotton

Take some cotton (not too much), you don’t want them to be suspicious. Stuff some cotton into their shoes. They will wear it and it will give the impression that they have outgrown their shoes overnight.


6. Plastic wrap on the door prank

Plastic wrap on the door

This is a super simple prank to do. You just need a plastic wrap, scissors, tape. Paste the plastic wrap across the door, make sure there are no wrinkles. Also, keep the door open and make multiple layers so that they actually bounce back. This is one of my favourite pranks to pull on your siblings.

Call out you sibling for urgent work. When they come rushing they will bounce back from touching the wrap.  Trust us they will be angry and still b laughing at their stupidity.


7. Make a spider web maze

spider web maze prank

Similar to the plastic bag across the door prank this one is little different. Make a web by joining threads together. Start by tying a thread to something stable. Also, make sure tat the thread is thick and doesn’t break easily. When your sibling walks into the roon they will be stuck in that maze and will curse you.

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10 gift ideas for this raksha bandhan

8. Replace Butterscoth ice cream with butter

Replace Butterscoth ice cream with butter

This is quite simple and easy to pull. Just bring a cup of butterscoth ce cream and eat it. Now wash the cup and put some butter in the cup. When they will eat it their mouth is all buttery and trust us simple butter doesn’t taste good.


9. Water filled glasses upside down

Water filled glasses upside down prank

This one is tricky but oh-so amazing sibling prank. This mus be tried when your parents are not home otherwise you will have to clean up the mess.

Take all the glasses and fill htem partly with water less than half will be enough. Now, very quickly flip them and keep it on the slab. Little water will spill but the rest will be locked inside the glass. When your sibling would get up to grink water he/ she would have to take the glass and spill the water all over.


10. Balancing water-filled glasses on hands

Balancing water-filled glasses on hands prank

Keep two empty glasses on your hands and challenge your sibling to keep water filled glasses on theirs . When you help them balance the glasses on their hands just casually leave the room. The look on their face would be precious. If they have to move they would have to spill the water all around. This is one of the most hilarious pranks to pull on your siblings.


11. Put food colouring to a good use

food colouring pranks

We all are familiar with the drinks like Rasna and Tang. On a summer day they are a relief from the scroching heat. This is a simple food prank. Mix a bit of vinegar in water and add the food colouring matching the colour of the drink you want to make. Offer the drink to them when they come home. And, just when they take the first sip keep your camera ready to capture their reaction.

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12. Condensed milk in their toothpaste prank

condensed milk in their toothpaste prank

Hell will break loose if you try this one in the morning. It is quite simple, all you have to do is empty the toothpaste and fill it with condensed milk. No, we are not asking you to waste the toothpaste. But a smaller pack and empty a bit only, so that you can empty it after you are done with the prank.




  1. Hey Bhawna,

    Great post with amazing prank tips. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post and truly like the list of pranks that you have made. Doing the pranks are liked by all people, whereas doing the pranks are so entertaining and will also makes you happy. Your all the listed pranks are harmless but an idea of doing water bucket prank, Plastic wrap on the door and spider maze prank are great and are also my favorite. I have performed water bucket prank, whipped cream on face and spider web maze with my friends earlier.

    Really helpful and entertaining post for prank lovers. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey Aadarsh. I am glad that you liked the list of all the harmless pranks. Pulling a prank gives you a different level of satisfaction. Do tell us if you know more such pranks :p
    Have a good one.
    Thank you 🙂


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