It’s no longer unusual for musicians to go insane on stage, especially in Hollywood. On stage, they do all kinds of crazy things; be it someone eating his feces or be it being naked, they’ve done it all. Take a look at the list mentioned below of fanatical things musicians did on stage.

Fanatical Things Musicians Did On Stage

Miley Cyrus

Smokes weed on stage

fanatical things musicians did on stage

While singing at the EMAs, the artist smoked marijuana on stage. Her supporters were well aware that she had previously posted images of herself using a pot on social networking sites. But she went over the over and tried to amuse the public by taking marijuana drags in front of a large crowd.


Touches Herself On Stage


Licks Robin Thicke

Her act of performing in a nude shade bikini on stage stirred controversy both within and outside the media. Miley Cyrus licked Robin Thicke on the neck during their performance at the Music Awards Ceremony. If Robin hadn’t been married, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal.


Frenzied fans stroked her crotch

In the middle of a song in 2014, she thrusts her hips forward towards the crowd, allowing the fans to touch her private parts. Hands rushed Miley, who was dressed in a silver leotard, and one intrepid fan caressed her over the top of her pubic area, while others stroked her breasts.


The bold choice of costumes

The kind of outfits Miley Cyrus wears for her performances or anything relating to performing on stage must be familiar to most of us. It may be anything from wearing a foam hand to being nude to wearing fake fangs all over her private parts. Her costume selection is quite intriguing.

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Ozzy Osbourne

Bit the Head of a Dead Bat

Someone in the audience threw something at Ozzy during one of his shows. He grabbed it up and chomped down on it, thinking it was a rubber bat. Soon after, Ozzy realized something wasn’t right, he spitted out that live bat.



Lady Gaga

Faked her death

The eccentric pop diva pretended to die. Her performance came to a close with her hanging from a noose soaked in fake blood. “I assume my pop career will last a long time, and people will be curious as to how I die, so why don’t we just show them?” According to Lady Gaga.


Set her breasts on fire

When Lady Gaga performed at the Much Music Awards ceremony in Canada, flames flew from her breasts. During her performances of Love Game and Poker Face, the singer was literally on fire. Later, she sought the help of some dancers to do a thorough manual inspection of the erupted area.


Had someone vomit on her

After being puked on during her performance of “Swine” at the SXSW Festival in Austin, several people accused Lady Gaga of glorifying bulimia. Millie Brown, a performance artist, shoved her fingers down her throat and spat a foul green liquid all over Lady Gaga.


Set her piano on fire

Gaga’s awe-inspiring, wide-eyed, frenzied face at the climax of her AMAs performance, which she ended by setting her piano on fire. While Gaga continued shouting out her classics, her piano erupted into flames, and the audience cheered her on.

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Stripped out of her clothes

Lady Gaga performed a new song, Venus, from her album, ARTPOP, at London’s G-A-Y nightclub on October 26th, shocking audiences by stripping down naked at the end of her performance.



Alice Cooper

Chicken incident

Cooper bit the poor chicken’s head and drank his blood right there when a member of the audience threw a chicken on stage. Cooper, on the other hand, has denied committing such an act in numerous interviews after that event, claiming that the genuine story was When a chicken was thrown onstage by a member of the audience, and Alice tossed it back over the audience, expecting it to fly away. Instead, it “plummeted” into the crowd, where the people tore it apart.



GG Allin

Halloween suicide promise

In 1989, he declared that he would commit suicide on stage, but the only thing that got in the way was that he ended up in prison. So he wrote to a music magazine and said he’d do it the next Hallowe’en. Only to be locked up once more. He promised to commit suicide every year, yet he always ended up in prison.


Coprophilia and self-mutilation

But he wasn’t merely defecating onstage for long. He began eating the feces, smearing them all over the stage, and even tossing them at members of the audience. He also used blood in his performance, pouring it on himself and spraying it all over the stage and audience.


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