Being the tallest person in a room is definitely overwhelming for you as well as for others. Tall people hear many things in day to day life and they learn to live with that and embrace the gift. List of things all tall people will relate to.

Things all tall people will relate to


1. Variety of nicknames-

The most obvious one. You might be referred to as the “khamba(pole)”, “camel”, “rakshas”, “tower”, “hulk”, and many more. The list is endless.


2. Treated as a stand-

As the tallest one, it is your responsibility to take down the stuff lying at the top of the cabinet. Your mum might call you whenever she is cleaning the kitchen, coz easy access.


3. Photos are a task-

Either you are supposed to fold your knees in the process or sit down while your short friends are standing. Most difficult task EVER.


4. You are the selfie stick-

Tallest in the group

Pretty obvious !! As the tallest person, it’s your duty to do the honours of being a selfie stick. This makes your pictures look weird while everyone looks on point.


5. Jokes-

People say things like- “Stand up carefully, you might touch the ceiling”. You must’ve grown used to such things


6. Good in sports-

Tallest in the group

People assume that you must be good at basketball and volleyball. You will overtake everyone in the race just coz you have long legs. No dude! This doesn’t happen. Practise is the key.


7. Matchmaking aunties face problems-

Tallest in the group

As soon as you visit any family or neighbourhood function aunties flood you with questions like- ‘how tall are you?’ ‘How will you manage to find a guy so tall(if you are a girl)?’
‘You must feel very good being so tall?’
Yes, I feel good all the time not particularly for this, but thanx!

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8. You are the last bencher-

Yes! The biggest problem we faced in school or tuitions. It was cool on normal days where you were asked to sit at the end but when some interesting workshops were being held and projector was used you felt unlucky


9. Visiting a crowdy place-


No problemo!
If you lose your “short” friends in the crowd it’s easy for them to spot you or you can find any shop from a distance. Advantage yippy ?


10. Complaints-


We often hear short people complain that they feel shorter standing next to us. It gets worse if the boys are shorter than the girls. Seriously! It’s in your head, don’t bother.


11. Car Rides-


If you are driving the car it’s okay, but God forbid if you had to sit in the back seat. The hell begins, There is not enough leg room while your neck is permanently bent. Being tallest in the group certainly has its charms.


12. Big Game-


If you are Tallest in the group, you will understand this. How tall exactly are you? let’s see. How big are your hands? What size of shoes do you wear? and so on. This is a never-ending question-answer game.


13. Your Friends can’t keep up with you.-


Tallest in the group

In jogging or plain walking. Your friends cant keep up. Tallest in the group, this struggle is real.

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14. It’s hard to hide


You are easily identified even in a crowded space. There is no such thing as hiding in the crowd because you just can’t.

15. Basements are not for you


It is hard to adjust yourself there because truth be told basements are for people with short height a tall person is not meant to be there.

16. Hugs are awkward


They just are. It seems like things are not in a proper proportion. Thi sis definitely something which makes you uncomfortable.


17. Doors are short


The doors of other’s houses are not meant for you. You always have to duck to pass safely through it.

18. Driving is tough


The normal hatch-back car is not very comfortable for you. The adjustment of your legs is quite difficult and your head also almost touches the roof.


19. Your shoes are safe


Since there are very few people as tall as you, your shoes, clothes etc are safe. Nobody borrows them and nobody steals them.

20. No leg room


This is beneficial as we get shotgun by default. But sometimes it is a disadvantage when we travel in public transport and are not able to adjust our legs in confined space.


So this was a list of things all tall people will relate to. If you are the tallest in your group raise your hand.



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