If you are a bibliophile looking for a new author to get your fix of daily reading from, you have come to the right place. Dan Brown is a science fiction mystery writer who makes sure that you do not keep the book down before completing it. For all the lovers of movies like National Treasure, Brown’s books have often been adopted into motion pictures of the same name. So what are the things which makes his books so irresistible.

1. The beginning hooks you in-




 The novels open with a bang, the events unfold in the most peculiar fashion possible. I mean how would you feel if you reach work and find a dead body lying in a pool of blood, his limbs spread out like an eagle? Gory right! If you like to keep yourself on the toes, Brown’s books won’t disappoint you.

2. Murder Mystery-


If you are a Sherlock Holmes fan, then this will be your next  favorite, in no time you will be out on the roads shouting slogans for this author. There is always a murder mystery waiting to be solved, with all the evidence pointing to a particular person. Yet as you all mystery enthusiasts must have guessed, things are not as they seem and thus begins the adventurous journey of the protagonist while he/she tries to save the innocent and uncover the holy grail (pun intended).



3. The nerd is the new hero-




 Just as smart is allegedly the new sexy, similarly being nerdy is the only criteria you need to clear in order to be the Hero of Dan Brown’s novels. Brown seems to have taken it upon himself to break all the misconceptions regarding nerds, hell he would probably object to even calling them nerds. But for the lack of a better word we are stuck with this one. All his protagonist are really smart people with a knack of knowing things which others cannot even fathom. The nerds are not only sexy but turn out to be brave as well, Brown makes sure that the protagonist is put in testing spaces (pun intended) and our nerds manage to come out victorious. But they are considerably naive, they are roped in by suspicious looking people and don’t doubt them at all.

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4. For all the curious souls out there-


Do you read articles or watch YouTube videos with titles like ‘10 things you wouldn’t have known’? Brown’s books are a treasure trove of such mind blowing facts and you keep turning the page to know more. There are earth shattering revelations about everyday things that you could not have even imagined. His most famous series where the protagonist is a History professor keeps taking us back to his lectures and bombards us with such facts that leave you thinking if you should have taken that summer course in History.

5. A race against time-


All of Brown’s books are set in a time constraint with a lot of action and moving around, not just the characters but even you have to keep your wits about yourself as the characters run against time and sometimes quite literally halfway around the world to save their loved ones or maybe the world itself. Brown takes the metaphor of running against time so literally that in all his books just when the worst is about to happen- the world is about to be destroyed-the hero suddenly has an inspiration in the last moment that saves the day.

6.A virtual tour of the real and sometimes virtual world-

 Dan definitely makes a point that all his novels are set in lavish backdrops. While reading the books, one can’t help but wish to be there personally. The locations vary from the seat of Catholic Church’s power in St. Peter’s Basilica to an imagined most secure bank of the world, from giving a virtual tour of Vatican City to an ice shelf far out in the Arctic Ocean.

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7.You never see it coming-







No matter how good you are at that game where you guess the ending, you never see it coming in a Dan Brown book. You are at edge of your bed with bloodshot eyes as you have been reading continuously since morning and you think you have pinned down who the culprit is but no! It turns out to be a completely different person. If you are one of those people who read for the climax then this will leave you shaken.

8.Everything falls into place-




In the end every event, every unusual occurrence falls into place leaving you with an expression similar to that of Joey when he figures out a joke. You cannot believe how you missed out on all the obvious clues  and all this while you thought yourself to be no less than James Bond.

9.A tryst with love-

The protagonists of Dan Brown’s novel always manage to find a friend in all the chaos going around them. All those looking for romance, a love story develops between the protagonist and that faithful comrade running along. Sometimes these love stories do bear fruit while on other occasions, you are in for yet another surprise.

10.Pomp and show-


Dan Brown does not deal with small scale events. It is a high end drama. I mean there are authors who could write a whole book about rescuing a cat from a tree but Brown does not involve himself in anything less than the election of Pope of the Catholic church. The level of resources and attention available to the characters alone will blow your mind.  

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Dan Brown makes sure to have a strong female presence in his books. Some of his books also has a female protagonist. The women are strong and ready to take control of the situations while giving useful insights.

12.Traveling in style-

If there is one thing that you will surely find in a Dan Brown book is that his characters travel in style. From choppers, personal planes to high speed fighter jets and submarines.


 If these are the things which you look for in a book, go grab one of Dan Brown’s books there is a plethora of good options to choose from.



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