Does this happen with you guys also that as soon aa the month of October arrives you find a new hope and wake up early in the morning. Suddenly, Sun is more bright, birds chirp more melodiously and nature gives you a different feel altogether.

Autumn comes and makes everything more beautiful and lively.
Although the leaves are falling but your mood is uplifted. Northern hemisphere experiences autumn in October whereas Southern Hemisphere experience this in March.
No matter in which hemisphere your country lies, I am sure everyone waits for this season to arrive and enjoy it.

There are certain things associated with Autumn. In this post we will be writing down those things-




Picture perfect view-






With leaves falling on the road and wind blowing makes it a perfect scenery for taking pictures.
Every picture seems like it is taken by a professional photographer.




Cold breeze-







We all love it when the wind plays with our hair and we end up feeling like we are in a movie or something.
The smell of the fresh wind soothes our soul in a different way.





Festive season-






In India, in autumn there are many festivals like Dusshera, Diwali, etc. So, the feeling of happiness and joy is persistent.
In other countries, there is Halloween and Thanksgiving.




Search feed is full of beautiful fall artwork-


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Whenever we open our Instagram search feed there are many pictures of fall plus various creations of artists depicting autumn in a magnificent way. This definitely puts a smile on our face.






You feel energetic whole day-






As the days are shorter during autumn, the feeling of tiredness and laziness seem to be gone.
We feel more energetic and lively.





Winters approaching-






We all know as soon as autumn ends winters will give a knock. We just can’t wait to get into warm blankets and sit with our favorite person and cuddle. *sigh*





Running in the morning –






Suddenly working out doesn’t give you chills. You are more than happy to wake up early in the morning and go in the park for a walk or take out your cycle and go on a round.
It energizes you.





Reflection in the lake-






There are leaves of many colors. When we look into the lake, their reflections make us want to absorb the scenic beauty with our eyes.
It is a very magnificent and breathtaking view.





Cozy stylish and comfy knitwear-







With the of autumn, we take out all those comfy knitwear lying in our closet and like slipping into them to experience that warm and comforting feeling.

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Coffee tastes much better-







There is something different in everything, even in your regular morning coffee.
As the temperatures are dropping you find utmost comfort in your hot, steaming cup of coffee.





Playing in the pile of leaves-







Since childhood, this is my favorite thing to do. There are leaves lying everywhere, make a pile of them and jump over them to hear the sound of crunching.
This surely is a treat to ears.






October Fest-






Wherever you go you can see places and food joints running attractive offers.
Octobeer fest is quite a common thing nowadays, where you can chug as many glasses of beer as you want.




Shopping offers-







Many online sites are offering discounts at this time. Various sites are offering heavy discounts. This is a treat to all the shopaholic.





  1. Hi Bhawna,
    These are interesting things that make us exited in life. For me, autumn is a remarkable time when almost everyone get excited, you know why? Because it makes every leave a flower. Also, things like free offers have a way to trigger excitement in people because as humans we love getting things for free.

    • Hey Moss!
      I couldn’t agree more. This is my favorite time also. Although in India, we don’t experience typical autumn with multiple shades of trees; the change in weather and color of the sky is surely a happy change.
      Thanx for stopping by 🙂


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