20+ Revenge Thrillers You Need To See If You Loved John...
We all need no introduction to " John Wick". The movie gained popularity among the best revenge thrillers genre and the work of Keanu...
35+ Movies To Watch When You Are High
Movies are a great way to live a life that is not yours. Many movies are made each year in different genres and it...
30 Best Bollywood Suspense Thrillers That Will Keep You the Edge
We all love the thrilling experience of watching a suspense movie that keeps us glued to our seats. Suspense movies are enjoyed by everyone....
31 Most Anticipated and Exciting Movies To Release In 2020
2020 is not far along and your patience is going to finally pay off. The movies that 2020 is offering us have us hyperventilating....
30 Patriotic Hindi Movies That Will Fill You With Josh
Films have become a part of our daily lives with the introduction of sites such as Netflix, Prime, YouTube, etc. Films play an important...
30 Best Bollywood Adult Comedies That You Must Watch
Bollywood Adult comedies are always fun to watch for those who enjoy a good laugh and fun-filled entertainment. It is not only growing in...
18 Bollywood Movies That Got Banned in India But Worth Watching
A certain Bollywood movie got banned in some states, I am sure you must have heard about this in the news or media. India...
40 Movies You should Never Watch With Your Parents in 2019
Do you remember the time when we were kids and those awkward TV ads come and they were very awkward? Now imagine watching a...
20 Bollywood Movies with the Best Costumes That Impressed Everyone
Fashion trends are most likely to change according to costumes that our favourite actors are seen wearing. Costumes are the heart of any production...
Movies & shows that hit the right chords with the Father-...
Like it is popularly said, every girl is a daddy’s little girl. Even though it is a notion that fathers lover all their children...