The Ultimate Witcher Trivia Quiz We Dare You To Take
The Witcher is a popular series that is based upon the famous novels written by Andrzej Sapkowski. This game came out in 2007 and...
30+ Upcoming Netflix Shows In 2020 To Entertain You Like Crazy
The list of Netflix movies and TV shows is never-ending and it goes on and on as we move into the next year. It...
Suits Would You Rather Poll Every Harvey Specter Fan Should Take
Who doesn't love Harvey Specter for his unattainable sass and good looks? Suits is an American drama series depicting life in legal day-to-day dealings....
25 Years of FRIENDS, Here is an interesting Poll.
We watch shows and series to entertain ourselves and for that pinch of relief from our boring life. Many shows come and go and...
Impactful Cersei Lannister Quotes Which Prove She is An Epitome of...
Cersei Lannister was one of the most complete and powerful characters in our favourite TV show Game of Thrones. Cersei Lannister Quotes are another...
Indian Places that Can Replace Locations in Game of Thrones
Ever imagined Indian Location for Game of Thrones? It is all the rage right now. The first episode of the final season is coming...
30 Powerful Daenerys Targaryen Quotes That Will Ignite The Fire in...
It has been more than 3 months and people are still talking about how Khaleesi got her character sabotaged by D&D. The development arc...
Top 25 Korean drama series to binge watch on Netflix
Netflix is the gift that never stops giving. It is the one and only source of entertainment that suits all your moods, be it...
Stranger Things Season 1 Trivia Quiz
Did you recently binge-watched the season 3 of Stranger Things and now consider yourself the member of the cool Hawkins squad that casually fight...
LGBTQ based Netflix shows you need to binge on right now!
LGBTQ community has always been in existence but the recent change in Indian laws have made the community feel more welcome and accepted in...